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Learning Korean Numbers

·317 words·2 mins
Korean Study
Adrian Has A Blog
Adrian Has A Blog
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Learn Korean numbers teaser

During my undergraduate program I was curious about picking up a new language. I picked Korean as I was facinated by the simple writing system. However after learning the writing system the very next topic was about the Korean number systems. I was overwhelmed by the two different systems and soon after I stopped learning Korean altogether since I got more busy with my study. Fast forward five years I thought again about seriously picking up Korean. This time I started taking classes and generally did well, however when it came to Korean numbers I would often confuse them. Thats why I ultimately started writing an app for practicing numbers and finally mastering them. If you are like me then I hope that this app will help you the same way it helped me.


The Quiz below should help you to familiarize yourself with the Korean number systems and to practice different aspects at will. You will learn Native-Korean and Sino-Korean numbers as well as counting unit words, and dates in conjunction with Korean numbers.

The Quiz is structured into a serious of lessons and tests that get unlocked step by step. Lessons provide context and explanations through text. Tests assess your knowledge through multiple-choice questions. After completing a test, you’ll receive a star rating based on your performance. To unlock the next content, you need to earn at least 1 star on the current test. Keep progressing to enhance your understanding.

You can bookmark some lessons that you wanna review later by long pressing on a lesson in the overview. A bookmark icon is shown in the top left of the lesson to indicate that it’s bookmarked. You can filter all bookmarked lessons by pressing on the bookmark icon in the top right above the lessons.


If you have questions or encounter any issues, feel free to leave a comment. Happy learning!